白丽:女,1978年。工学博士,吉林大学匡亚明英才教授、博士生导师,加拿大麦吉尔大学商学院访问学者,吉林大学生物与农业工程学院农林经济管理系主任、农食系统安全与可持续发展方向学术带头人,兼任中科院SCI一区TOP期刊《Food Control》副主编、中国农业工程学会农业系统工程专业委员会常务理事、吉林省农业经济学会理事,主持国家自然科学基金(2项)、教育部人文社会科学基金(2项)、世界银行贷款、农业农村部战略研究项目等国家级、部省级科研项目10余项;出版中文专著2部、参编英文著作1部。在《Land Use Policy》《Risk Analysis》《International Journal of Hospitality Management》《Food Quality and Preference》《农业技术经济》《社会科学战线》等高水平刊物上发表论文60余篇,被引用上千次;在《中国食品安全报》等媒体发表多篇评论性文章并被“学习强国”平台全文转载。

2020.01至今 匡亚明英才教授、博导,吉林大学生物与农业工程学院
2016.08-2019.12 教授、博导,吉林大学生物与农业工程学院
2015.09-2016.08 副教授、博导、加拿大McGill大学访问学者
2012.08-2016.07 副教授、博导,吉林大学生物与农业工程学院
2008.09-2012.07 副教授,吉林大学生物与农业工程学院
2005.12-2008.08 讲师,吉林大学生物与农业工程学院
2002.09-2005.12 博士,吉林大学生物与农业工程学院
1999.09-2002.03 硕士,吉林大学生物与农业工程学院
1995.09-1999.07 学士,吉林工业大学管理学院
1、《Food Control》期刊副主编
5、《Food Control》《International Journal of Hospitality》《Food Quality and Preference》《Journal of Cleaner Production》《Appetite》《农业经济问题》等国内外十余个期刊审稿专家
3、教育部人文社科项目(项目批准号:23YJAZH003): 风险感知干预下消费者食品安全风险行为转变研究:干预信息建构与风险行为转变机制
1、白丽,黄莲. 中国家庭环境下的食品安全风险评价及综合干预研究. 北京:科学出版社. 2015年6月
2、Li Bai. Shunlong Gong. Chapter 20: Consumer knowledge, attitude and behavior toward food safety. In “Food Safety in China: Science, Technology, Management and Regulation”, edited by Joseph J. Jen and Junshi Chen (陈君石院士). UK: Wiley. 2017
3、白丽,王明亮. 消费者的食品安全自我保护行为:理论构建、实证检验及干预实验. 北京:科学出版社. 2021年12月
1、 Manli Zheng 1, Li Bai, Chaoyue Liu, Shunlong Gong *. Improving household food safety through combining nudge strategies with knowledge-based intervention: The effectiveness and mechanism. Food Control, 168 (2025), 110923.
2、 Li Bai, Jiage Wu, Yuchen Sha, Shunlong Gong *. Perceived utilitarian and hedonic values: Understanding Chinese consumers' street food purchase intentions. International Journal of Gastronomy and Food Science, 38(2024), 101046.
3、 Jiage Wu 1, Shunlong Gong, Zaidi Guo, Li Bai *. Street food vendors' hygienic and handling practices in China: Checklist development and observational assessment. Food Control, 166 (2024), 110765.
4、 Shunlong Gong, Chaoyue Liu, Cui, Y., Xiao, X., Feng, Y., Li Bai *. Audience-Oriented Information Intervention Approach to Food Waste Behavior: An Application in Chinese University Canteens. Sustainability, 16 (2024), 16, 6773.
5、 Zaidi Guo 1, Li Bai *. The effect of online versus offline interventions on food safety and handling knowledge of household food handlers: A continuous experimental design. Food Control, 159 (2024), 110280.
6、 Mingliang Wang 1, Shunlong Gong, Li Bai *, Luyu Liang, Zhenlin Weng, Jin Tang *. Analytic and heuristic process for prudent antimicrobial use in animals: What are triggers and how do they work? Risk Analysis, 44 (2024), 4, 757-773.
7、 Li Bai, Li, S., Zheng, M., Zhang, Z., Shunlong Gong *. Consumer brand and category switching behaviors after food safety incidents: Factors and mechanisms. Appetite, 195 (2024), 107234.
8、 Li Bai, Haiheng Tang, Mingliang Wang *. Dietary behaviors of rural residents in northeastern China: implications for designing intervention information and targeting high-risk population. Frontiers in Public Health, 12 (2024), 1239449.
9、 Mingliang Wang 1, Shunlong Gong, Luyu Liang, Li Bai *, Zhenlin Weng, Jin Tang*. Norms triumph over self-interest! The role of perceived values and different norms on sustainable agricultural practices. Land Use Policy. 129 (2023), 106619.
10、 Shiyang Cao 1, Shunlong Gong, Li Bai *. Situational variables that affect consumers’ suboptimal food purchasing behavior in China. British Food Journal, 125 (2023), 1, 145 – 166.
11、 Li Bai, Shiyang Cao, Shunlong Gong, Lian Huang *. Motivations and obstructions of minimizing suboptimal food waste in Chinese households. Journal of Cleaner Production, 342 (2022), 130951.
12、 Diogo Thimoteo da Cunha, Jan Mei Soon, Kayode Kolawole Eluwole, Barbara A. Mullan, Li Bai, Elke Stedefeldt. Knowledge, attitudes and practices model in food safety: Limitations and methodological suggestions. Food Control, 2022, 141, 109198;2022年11月发表
13、 白丽, 王明亮. 努力强化农村居民食品安全教育. 中国食品安全报. 2022年4月19日,A2版. 该文被学习强国平台全文转载.
14、 白丽, 王明亮. 全面贯彻党的十九届五中全会精神有效预防食源性疾病. 中国食品安全报. 2020年11月19日,A2版. 该文被“学习强国”平台全文转载.
15、 Minglian Wang 1,Lian Huang, Chulin Pan, Li Bai*. Adopt proper food-handling intention: An application of the Health Belief Model. Food Control, 2021, 127, 108169.
16、 Mingliang Wang 1, Lian Huang 1, Xia Liang, Li Bai * Consumer knowledge, risk perception and food-handling behaviors – A national survey in China. Food Control 122 (2021) 107789.
17、 Lian Huang 1, Li Bai, Shunlong Gong *. The effects of carrier, benefit, and perceived trust in information channel on functional food purchase intention among Chinese consumers. Food Quality and Preference, 81 (2020), 103854.
18、 Mingliang Wang 1, Li Bai, Shunlong Gong, Lian Huang 1 *. Determinants of consumer food safety self-protection behavior-- an analysis using grounded theory. Food Control, 113 (2020), 107198.
19、 白丽, 陈曦, 张孝义. 农产品加工企业引领三产融合发展的路径研究. 社会科学战线. 2020 (4): 253-257.
20、 白丽, 陈曦, 孙洁, 张孝义. 产业融合视角下中国马铃薯加工业发展问题研究. 农业工程学报. 2019, 35 (8): 316-323.
21、 Zaidi Guo 1, Li Bai, Shunlong Gong *. Government regulations and voluntary certifications in food safety in China: A review. Trends in Food Science & Technology, 90 (2019), 160 – 165.
22、 Li Bai, Mingliang Wang, Shunlong Gong *. Understanding the Antecedents of Organic Food Purchases: The Important Roles of Beliefs, Subjective Norms, and Identity Expressiveness. Sustainability, 11 (2019), 3045.
23、 Zaidi Guo 1, Li Bai, Shunlong Gong *. Some comments on the scandal of rabies vaccine in China. Vaccine, 37 (2019), 30, 3936 – 3937.
24、 Li Bai, Mingliang Wang, Yinsheng Yang, Shunlong Gong *. Food safety in restaurants: The consumer perspective. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 77 (2019), 139 – 146.
25、 Lian Huang 1, Li Bai, Xiaoyi Zhang, Shunlong Gong *. Re-understanding the antecedents of functional foods purchase: Mediating effect of purchase attitude and moderating effect of food neophobia. Food Quality and Preference, 73 (2019), 266 – 275.
26、 Shunlong Gong, Xizhuo Wang, Yinsheng Yang, Li Bai *. Knowledge of food safety and handling in households: A survey of food handlers in Mainland China. Food Control, Volume 64, June 2016, Pages 45–51.
27、 Li Bai, Jin Tang, Yinsheng Yang, Shunlong Gong *. Hygienic food handling intention. An application of the Theory of Planned Behavior in the Chinese cultural context. Food Control 42 (8) 172-180.
28、 Maldonado-Siman, Li Bai, Rodolfo Ramírez-Valverde, Shunlong Gong, Raymundo Rodríguez-de Lara. Comparison of implementing HACCP systems of exporter Mexican and Chinese meat enterprises. Food Control 38 (2014) 109-113.
29、 Wang XY, Lu YQ, Zhao YX, Gong SL, Li Bai *. Organisational unlearning, organisational flexibility and innovation capability: an empirical study of SMEs in China. International Journal of Technology Management. 2013, 2: 132-154.
30、 白丽,巩顺龙. 农民专业合作组织采纳食品安全标准的动机及效益研究. 社会科学战线,2011(12):249-250.
31、 Gong Shunlong, Yang Yinsheng,Shen Hua,Wang Xiangyang, Guo Hongpeng, Li Bai *. Meat Handling Practices in Households of Mainland China. Food Control. 22 (5): 749 - 755.
32、 白丽,巩顺龙,谭屹然. 我国农产品加工企业采纳HACCP标准的行动模式研究——以屠宰及肉类加工企业为例. 农业技术经济. 2010(6): 98-105.
33、 白丽,马成林,巩顺龙. 我国食品企业实施HACCP食品安全管理体系的实证研究. 食品工业科技. 2005(9): 84-86.
34、 Li Bai, Ma Chenglin, Gong Shunlong. Yang Yinsheng. Food safety assurance systems in China. Food control. 18 (5): 480–482.
35、 Li Bai, Ma Chenglin, Yang Yinsheng,. Zhao Shukuan, Gong Shunlong. Implementation of HACCP system in China: A survey of food enterprises involved. Food Control. 18 (9): 1108-1111.