The Terramechanics Research Group of the College of Biological and Agricultural Engineering Attend the ISTVS 20th International Conference and Make Keynote Presentations
The Terramechanics Research Group of the College of Biological and Agricultural Engineering Attend the ISTVS 20th International Conference and Make Keynote Presentations
On September 27-29, 2021, International Society for Terrain-Vehicle Systems (ISTVS) held the 20th International and 9th Americas Conference online. 106 attendees from 31 countries and regions attended the meeting. Prof. Li Jianqiao, Prof. Zhang Rui and Prof. Zou Meng, College of Biological and Agricultural Engineering of Jilin University (Key Laboratory of Bionic Engineering (Jilin University), Ministry of Education), registered and participated in the conference. 3 keynote presentations and 70 session presentations were delivered.
Prof. Li Jianqiao was invited to give a keynote presentation on Lunar Regolith Strength Inference with AI Techniques from Indenter Experiments on the Chang’e 5 Lunar Sample Return Mission. The participants had a heated discussion and provided positive feedbacks. Prof. Zhang Rui gave a session presentation on Design of Bionic Wheel Surface Based on the Adhesion Characteristic of Ostrich Foot followed by questions, answers and discussion with international peers.
After the conference, Prof. JY Wong, expert in the field of vehicle terramechanics, and Prof. Lutz, Vice Chair of ISTVS, sent an email to Prof. Li Jianqiao to congratulate on achievements made by the team of Chinese Ground Machine System Mechanics and Jilin University. The ground machine system mechanics team represented by Ren Luquan, academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering from Jilin University, and the ISTVS are closely tied. The academic exchanges through this conference will further enhance the international reputation and academic status of Jilin University in this research field, and provide opportunities for Jilin University to undertake more national deep space exploration missions.